Christ Episcopal Church   

Organized 1740
4 Weller’s Bridge Road

P.O. Box 4
Roxbury, Connecticut 06783
Rev. Stephen R. Nagy, Priest in Charge (860) 354-4113
Church Office (860) 355-3695


Services held every Sunday 9:00 am in person and via ZOOM.

Episcopal Church of Connecticut

Worship post-Coronavirus

We are mask optional (and friendly) at our services and activities!
The health and well-being of our congregation and community is most important to us so we monitor CDC reccomendations for current health issues.

In addition, we highly recommend the CDC website for keeping yourself informed and for the resources they provide. In particular, check out this link on some pointers for coping with the stress of the Coronavirus disease. 
CDC-Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19

Worship & Parish Life

Worship servces at Christ Church are 9:00 AM every Sunday.
Services of Holy Eucharist are led by the Rev. Stephen R. Nagy, Priest in Charge.

We have an active devoted altar guild that works to maintain the altar, fair linens, candles and sanctuary light. The altar guild hosts a well attended town-wide annual pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday.

Roxbury, Connecticut is a town of rare beauty – hills and open meadows, farms and long vistas. Specimen trees grow along the winding country roads.

Roxbury is populated by authors, actors, artists, farmers and business people forming a diverse cultural mix. The region’s schools are top notch. Minor Library is exceptional and an active Senior Center offers a multitude of programs to residents of all ages. The Roxbury Land Trust controls 3,000 acres dedicated to preserving the rural quality of the town. Roxbury is easily accessible to all the major centers in Connecticut as well as New York City.

Christ Church, located at a crossroad in the town center, is a gem. Carpenter Gothic with fine stained glass windows, a bell tower, and a first class organ. Once inside, the atmosphere is warm, quiet, spiritual - a place for reflection. It enfolds a parish of friends with the celebration of the Eucharist at our center, enhanced by music, preaching and prayer. We welcome and encourage each member- young and old - to share their individual gifts


Service Information
In Person and via ZOOM

 The Feast of the Presentation

A Service of Morning Prayer

All Are Welcome!

Sunday, February 2, 2025
9:00 AM

Service Leaflet


Upcoming Event!

Bishop Mello at Christ Church

On November 10, 2024 the Right Rev. Jeffrey W. Mello and the Rev. Stephen Nagy
welcomed new confirmands at Christ Church!
Congratulations to Jean, Tim, Linda, Kristin and Will (not pictured).

Home is Where the Heart is!

It Was A Beautiful Easter Morning!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 2023
A good time was had by all!


Creatures Great and Small
Were Blessed by Rev. Stephen on October 8th, 2022
Fun, Food and No Fights!

Christ Church Gets a New Roof!

On Tuesday, May 31, 2022 work began on our "Raise the Roof" project!
We are very grateful for our generous donors and the additional blessing of the church portion of our  project being partially funded by a grant from Preservation Connecticut!

By Tuesday, June 7, the nimble crew from Weathertite of Bethlehem completed their work on both the church and the parish hall. Sincere thanks to all who worked hard to get this project done!

A Blessing for the Roofs!

On Sunday, June 26th, 2022
the Rev. Stephen Nagy used a little ingenuity to give the new roofs
a special blessing!